Results achieved / project progress:

  1. Youth-friendly health care service provision (YFHCS) Model developed (algorithms in 4 priority areas of the YFHCS provision created; Youth Health internet portal created) (Analysis report of current situation and YFHCS provision Model description was prepared (available only in lithuanian).
  2. Pilot implementation of the developed YFHCS Model in Rokiškis municipality started.
  3. Methodological guidance for implementation of the YFHCS Model and provision of youth-friendly health services were prepared.
  4. Potential applicants (municipality administrations) of open call for implementation of the YFHCS Model were consulted on YFHCS Model implementation issues.
  5. Training for projects promoters were organized.
  6. Projects promoters (municipality administrations) are consulted on YFHCS Model implementation issues.

Last updated: 03-12-2023