Variety of youth health care services provided in Bjerkreim Kommune
On 23-26 of November 2015 representatives of Plungė (major, municipal doctor and youth-friendly health care services coordinator) visited several institutions in Bjerkreim Kommune. Visit was organized under the Project “Healthy youth – prerequisite to wellbeing of Plungė district“ of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Programme No. LT11 “Public Health Initiatives”.
Representatives of Plungė get acquainted with the provision of youth-friendly health care services experience in Bjerkreim Kommune, participated in meetings and disscussions in Bjerkreim, Egersund, Time (Bryne) Kommunes, Healthcare and mental health centres, family clinics, sport complex, Skjeraberget kindergarten, Vikesa school. Furthermore, Project “Healthy youth – prerequisite to wellbeing of Plungė district“ aims and expected results were presented in the Bjerkreim Kommune Council meeting.
Visit was very fruitful in terms of numerous visits, new contacts, practical advises, innovative ideas and accumulated experience in the field of provision of youth-friendly health care services. Delegation visited Vikesa school and noticed that schoolchildren feel equal to teachers, safe as at home and stress-free. School nurse is available to a child at any time of the day all week long: she can be reached by telephone even after working hours, she is indeed a friend and a mentor of a child. A lot of attention is paid to extracurricular activities, and especially to physical activity. "The fact that children (from 10 years) and teachers sitting on the balls during the lessons left the biggest impression. Researches has shown that it helps to maintain the good posture, to avoid spinal deformities, decrease number of children with neuromuscular diseases, hyperactivity” – municipal doctor Oresta Gerulskienė said.
More information about the visit (available in lithuanian)
Oresta Gerulskienė, Municipal doctor
Moments of the visit to Bjerkreim Kommune: