Project “Development of the Model for the Strengthening of the Capacities to Identify and Reduce Health Inequalities” contract was signed

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania announces that on 16 June 2014 the trilateral Project “Development of the Model for the Strengthening of the Capacities to Identify and Reduce Health Inequalities” contract was signed.

Project code – NOR-LT11-SAM-01-TF-02-001.

Project promoter – Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.

Project partners – Vilnius University, Klaipėda University and Institute of Hygiene.

Amount of grant assistance and co-financing is 613 160,85 Eur (2 117 121,78 Lt).

Project objective is to create the model of health inequalities identifiction, measurement and reduction according to the international and national experience, legal documentation (nacional or international) analysis, human recourses potential analysis and training programme preparation. During implementation of the project particular attention will be given for the intersectoral cooperation which is relevant in public policy making promoting health equity oriented towards the complex reduction od socio-economic inequalities in health. Furthermore, implementing the project administrative capacities of persons participating in the policy making and implementation in different sectors (health and other sectors contributing to health) and of specialists working in municipal public health bureaus in the field of reduction of social health inequalities and related fields of health equity will be strengthening.

Last updated: 03-12-2023