Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009−2014 public health Programmes operators meeting in Tallinn

On 3 December 2014 the representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania participated in the meeting of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009−2014 public health Programmes operators in Tallinn. Meeting was organized by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Ministry of Social affaires of Estonia. Results, achievements and interferences of implementation of public health Programmes in different countries were discussed during the meeting.

On 4 December 2014 the representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania participated in the trainings for the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009−2014 public health Programmes operators in Tallinn. Theme of trainings – threats of irreguliarities when implementing programmes. Trainings were organized by the Financial Mechanism Office, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Ministry of Social affaires of Estonia.

Moments of Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009−2014 public health Programmes operators meeting:

Last updated: 03-12-2023