Norway Grants support sharing practices for addressing social inequalities in health

Representatives of the International Projects Management Division of the Ministry of Health, being Operator of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme “Public Health Initiatives” LT11 took part in the Seminar on social inequalities in health, held June 11, 2015 in Warsaw. Seminar was organized by the Polish Ministry of Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health (more about the seminar)

Countries implementing 2009-2014. Norwegian Financial Mechanisms Programmes "Public Health Initiatives” have an unique opportunity to learn from the effective Norwegian experience in monitoring and reducing social inequalities in health and to share their knowledge and practices with each other.

Consistent system of monitoring of health inequalities, comprehensive analysis of the causes and cross-sectoral cooperation in policy making, implementation and evaluation stages - exclusive feature of the successful Norwegian experience in tackling health inequalities.

During the Seminar experience of reducing health inequalities in Norway, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania as well as health equity measures implemented in beneficiaries countries within the Norwaygrants Programmes “Public Health Initiatives” were presented and discussed.

Follow the links for more information about the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme “Public Health Initiatives” LT11 and its project “Development of the Model for the Strengthening of the Capacities to Identify and Reduce Health Inequalities“ as well as Open Call for applications for bilateral cooperation activities within the Programme LT11.

Last updated: 03-12-2023