Implementation of bilateral activity targeting public health issues in Alytus

April 27 – May 1st 2015 representatives of Alytus city municipality, Alytus policlinics and Alytus Public health bureau in the framework of bilateral activity “Public health initiatives in Alytus” have visited Lyngdal municipality in Norway with the aim to establish contacts, become acquainted with provision of youth friendly health care services and prepare for submitting application for implementation of youth friendly health care services provision model.

During the visit Alytus representatives met with representatives of Lyngdal municipality responsible for coordination of health measures in the regional level, with the head of Lyngdal municipality administration Norman Udland as well as the Head of Health Promotion Department for Children and Adolescents Karen E. Lind and became acquainted with organisation of Norwegian healthcare system, actual issues and practice.

Particularly interesting was information presented by Karen E. Lind on Norwegian healthcare services provision models as well as national school health system. A lot of attention in Norway is given to child and youth in the age group from 0 to 20 years and notably there is a very close link between social and health care systems. Lyngdal municipality while implementing preventive healthcare measures is closely integrating various social aspects. It is done by using surveys developed by regional and national level institutions. Municipality by evaluating survey data identifies main problems of the actual age group arising in family, school as well as after-school activities. This practice could be successfully applied in Alytus region municipalities. Specific targeted surveys could be created to identify and address various problems related not only to healthcare but as well as the sphere of social services.

Visit was very useful in terms of new contacts, relevant experience and valuable insights, which can be applied in Alytus. It was also a start for discussions on further bilateral cooperation ideas in the dimensions of social and health care.

Bilateral activity was financed by the Bilateral Cooperation Fund under the Programme LT11 “Public Health Initiatives” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

Last updated: 03-12-2023