Dissemination of Slovenia‘s good practice

On 10-11 December 2014 the representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania participated in the several meetings / discussions with the representatives of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, National Institute of Public Health, Community health Centre Celje, Regional office Celje of the National institute of Public Health. Study visit was organized under the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009–2014 Programme No LT11 “Public Health Initiatives” (hereinafter – Programme).

The purpose of the study visit is to establish professional relations with representatives of the institutions named in Slovenia, discuss possible future cooperation prospects, to learn more about the Slovenian experience in the Programme projects areas (health care services in schools / pre-school education institutions, child‘s health strenghtening. health education and health promotion, child‘s health monitoring), to evaluate how the best practice examples could be applied while implementing Programme and share best practice examples.

During the meetings / discussions Programme and intended results were presented, best practice examples in Lithuania were shared

Representatives of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, National Institute of Public Health, Community health Centre Celje presented:

Health care system in Slovenia;

Introducing NIJZ ant the Project Towards Better Health and Reducing Inequalities in Health;

Health promotion in Slovenia towards excellent start. Prenatal health education for parents-to-be;

Health education in Primary health care;

The Slovenian Network of Health Promoting Schools;

Initiatives with Positive Impacts on Public Health and an example of good practises of an inter-sectoral collaboration;

Programmes of preventive health care for children in Slovenia;

Preventive programmes for school children and youth in Slovenia;

Preventive dental care programme.

Representatives of Regional office Celje of the National institute of Public Health introduced more than 15 years of success of implementing an online counseling project for youth called “To sem jaz“ (This is me). Furthermore, introduction of the role of the regional office in the field of children's and adolescent's health, e.counseling team of experts, work principles, website attendance rates and e.counseling principles were presented.

Community health Centre Celje (health offices for providing child‘s health care services):

Moments of meetings / discussions:

Last updated: 03-12-2023