Camp for parents “Sensitive topics conversations with teenagers - a challenge for parents” was organized

On 15-17 of January 2016 3 days long camp for parents “Sensitive topics conversations with teenagers - a challenge for parents” was organized in Ukmergė district. Camp activities were planned in a way that parents could receive both theoretical and practical knowledge of sexuality education and communication with teenagers’ topics.

Psychologist J. Vasiliauskienė led the theoretical and practical sessions, during which parents analyzed which conversation topics considered to be sensitive, how to submit them at the right time and place. Parents were taught self-confidence and ability to behave in a way that teenager could trust them. Fitness instructor and health specialist S. Markevičienė, social worker and health professional D. Burneikienė discussed with parents about sexuality education, as one of the positive parenting skills.

Applying experiential pedagogy knowledge and experience, parents were able to try out the newly acquired means: pregnancy simulator and puberty model. During the tasks parents tried to remember their adolescence, feelings, emotions and physical body changes.

At last day of the camp the orientation game was organized. Later on parents could try to play this game with teenagers in order to find out new effective ways of communicating with teenagers.

Camp for parents was organized while implementing Project “Health and smart youth of Ukmergė” under the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014 programme No LT11 “Public Health Initiatives”.

Moments of the camp can be found here

Last updated: 03-12-2023