Calls for proposals under the measure “Improvement of the provision of health care services in schools and pre-school institutions” were merged

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania informs that due to the huge interest of the applicants and the large amount of high quality applications received during the first call for proposals under the measure “Improvement of the provision of health care services in schools and pre-school institutions” (hereinafter – Measure) FMO was requested about the possibility to merge two calls for proposals. The calls for proposals were merged as the approval of FMO was received.

Merging the calls will enable efficient use of time and human recourses: repeated submitting of the same projects applications as well as evaluation, selection and organization of the award procedures for the same projects applications will be avoided. Probability that most of all applications submitted for the first call and enrolled in the reserve list will be submitted for the second call for proposals is very high. Furthermore, merging two calls for proposals will fasten the use of funds under the Measure and will allow the direct beneficiaries (children attending schools and pre-school educational institutions) to experience the benefit of the Measure results previously.

By the funds allocated for the second call for proposals (1 162 358,00 Eur (4 013 389,70 Lt) will be financed part of the projects applications (with the highest scores and which were enrollled in the reserve list) received during the first call for proposals. The Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania for the award of the assistance under the Measure are under the preparation.

Purpose of the Measure – to improve the provision of health care services in the institutions implementing pre-school and /or pre-primary school education programs and schools of general education or vocational training schools implementing primary, basic or secondary education programs.

Last updated: 03-12-2023