Call to applicants for obtaining assistance under the measure “Improving the accessibility and quality of youth health care services in municipalities by implementing the model for provision of youth–friendly health care services”
On 29 April 2015 call for applications under the measure“Improving the accessibility and quality of health care services in municipalities by implementing the model for provision of youth-friendly health care services” (hereinafter referred to as “Measure“) under the Programme LT11 “Public Health Initiatives” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009−2014 was launched.
The purpose of the Measure is to implement the developed model for provision of youth–friendly health care services (hereinafter referred to as “the Model”) in accordance with the needs of the municipalities.
Funding under the Measure will be provided for following activities:
- Implementation of compulsory elements of the Model (establishment of the youth–friendly health care services (hereinafter referred to as “YFHCS”) coordinating centre / introduction of and support to the YFHCS coordinating and case management function; administration of Youth Health internet portal at the municipal level; adaptation and application of an Algorithm(s) in the priority area(s) of the YFHCS at the municipal level).
- Implementation of recommended YFHCS good practice examples in the municipality set out in paragraph 8 of Annex 9 to the Guidelines.
- Other initiatives complying with the definition and criteria of YFHCS as indicated in paragraph 6.3 of the Guidelines.
- Events, training, research, surveys and other activities necessary for implementation of the Model in the municipality.
Eligible applicants: municipal administrations.
Eligible partners are legal entities (institutions, organisations or companies) registered in the Republic of Lithuania and/or in the Kingdom of Norway, whose activities must be related to the project activity (-ies).
The applicant and his partner(s) must meet eligibility requirements laid down in the Assessment methodology of projects’ compliance with the general criteria (Annex 2 to the Guidelines).
Total budget of the call: EUR 859.967,00
Minimum and maximum amount of funding available for the Project: Minimum amount available for the project – EUR 37.005,00, Maximum amount available for the project – EUR 85.996,00.
Maximum intensity of the support: The grant and co-financing funds make up 100 per cent of the total eligible project expenditures.
Dates for project implementation: Project implementation period: from the day of entry into force of the project contract until the date specified in the project contract, but no later than by 30 April 2016.
The starting and the final date for submitting the application. The starting date for submitting the application: 29 April 2015 at 8.00 am. The final date for submitting the application: 29 June 2015 at 5.00 pm.
Applications may be sent:
- By registered mail (an application shall be deemed to be delivered in time, when the date of the postal seal on the envelope is not later than the last day for submitting the applications);
- By courier (an application shall be deemed to be delivered in time, when the date and time of its delivery to the courier indicated on the envelope is not later than the end of the term for submitting the applications);
- Delivered personally to the Central Project Management Agency.
The place (address) for submitting applications. Central Project Management Agency, S. Konarskio str. 13, LT-03109 Vilnius.
Project selection manner: The projects to be funded are selected via open call.
The assessment of the project applications will be carried out by the Central Project Management Agency. A decision regarding funding for the projects will be made by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, having in regard the recommendations of the Project Selection Committee.
Contacts for more information. Central Project Management Agency, E-mail: [email protected], Fax (+370 5) 251 4401
Contact person: Lina Janionytė, tel. (+370 5) 274 8747, e-mail.: [email protected]
Reply to questions posed by e-mail or fax will be provided within 10 working days after the receipt of the enquiry at the Central Project Management Agency.
Information about key documents and the link to them as well as to prepared all the electronic forms of the application to be filled. More details regarding the call can be found in the Guidelines and its annexes. All documents related to the call as well as all electronic forms of the application to be filled are published on the websites,,
Guidelines for applicants and annexes:
Annex 1. Administrative compliance assessment methodology
Annex 2. Eligibility assessment methodology
Annex 3. Project benefits and quality assessment methodology
Annex 4. Project application assessment report
Annex 5. Special part (B) of the application for Project financing
Annex 6. Methodology of measurement and calculation of monitoring indicators
Annex 7. Flat rate methodology
Annex 8. Project publicity plan
Annex 9. The description of the model for the provision of youth-friendly health care services